The World’s Shortest Film Series

The World's Shortest Horror Films


My son Sam and I got bored during COVID. Every Saturday, we’d leave the house to play tennis and pick up breakfast. One Saturday morning in June of 2020, we hatched a funny idea. What if we created a series of super short horror films in which people behaved intelligently instead of being stupid, selfish, reckless, and arrogant?

“The World’s Shortest Horror Films” is a 15 part video series spoofing everything from monster classics to modern favorites. An incredible cast of actors from all across the Midwest filmed and submitted their own scenes which we then edited together. 

The World's Shortest Noir Films

After the world returned to normal, I decided to do a follow up to the horror series. Thus was born the shorter – but no less funny – series of noir films featuring men and women with a bit more common sense than the average joe. Especially the guy with the femme fatale.