
Fluffy is a cute and fuzzy creature from outer space with big blue eyes and a button nose – who wants to kill you! No one has ever seen the little guy – at least not on camera – but the little guy who will eat your face off and pick his teeth with your toes delighted horror film fest audiences in three short films and one bloody yet poignant epilogue.

These short films were a real labor of love, a collaboration with some amazing actors and behind the scenes workers including Erica Goldsmith, Jamie Bratcher, Herschel Zahnd III, Claude D. Miles, Sonny Burnette, Katie Stewart, Kayla Perkins, Ben Wood, Dennis Grinar, Roni Jonah, Bob C. Cooke, Jerry Williams, and the star of the Moron Movies, Len Cella. They were also a big hit on the film festival circuit in the Midwest.

You can view all FIVE of Fluffy’s films at the links below. That’s right, fans. In 2020 we created a new chapter in the series, Fluffy 2.5: Breaking Quarantine. Check them all out below.


F2: Fluffy Strikes Back

The Last Temptation of Fluffy

Liaison Avec Flufie

Fluffy 2.5: Breaking Quarantine