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Zombie puppets! Carnivorous critters! The world’s shortest horror and noir films! And some of the most incompetent alien invaders you’ll ever meet. For nearly two decades, John Cosper dabbled in short film. He’s no Steven Spielberg. Heck, he’s no Cash Flagg. But we wish he’d stuck to making movies with a zombie puppet and left Dead Park alone!

Click the links below to see the best of the best.

Clive the Zombie – The many misadventures of a zombie puppet.

Fluffy – The alien trilogy (plus two) featuring a cute and fuzzy killer from outer space. 

The World’s Shortest Films – See the world’s shortest horror films and the world’s shortest noir films. 

Stupid Aliens (And People) – Seems I made a lot of movies about stupid aliens. People too, but mostly aliens.

This Would Make a Great Movie – Three amazing films based on short stories. Click here to read the original stories.

Visit John’s YouTube Page for even more movies!